Sunday, December 7, 2014


This project can be used a Digital clock. Also it has a facility to set alarm. Liquid Crystal Display - LCD shows the clock. It shows date and time. You can set the time using a 4 keys keypad. Microcontroller has an internal clock which runs inside the controller. Buzzer is turned on at the desired time periods.
Electronic clocks have predominately replaced the mechanical clocks. They are much reliable, accurate, maintenance free and portable. In general, there are two kinds of electronic clocks. They are analog clock and digital clock. But digital clocks are more common and independent of external source. It would be needed the controlled devices and implementation of software for microcontroller control system because the hardware devices cannot do any desired task to execute. In this paper, the microcontroller-based digital clock is constructed with ATMEL 8051 and its software program is written with Assembly program language. Various types of digital clocks and modules are available in the market nowadays but this clock is different at least in the accurate time. To be controlling in microcontroller is only the feature of the clock. The display will come on LCD and give the specified time.
This is an improved version of digital clock with LCD display. It has an extra feature to set the alarm in the starting. On reset, the LCD prompts the user to set alarm.  Only the hour and minute components can be set by pressing the corresponding switches, repeatedly. These switches are made active low and so they provide ground to the corresponding input pins of the microcontroller AT89C51.
When the clock time becomes equal to the alarm time, a message ‘Alarm’ is displayed on LCD and alarm pin of microcontroller goes high for some duration. This pin can be connected to a buzzer to sound the alarm at the pre-set time.
Fig. 1 Block Diagram of Microcontroller Based Digital Clock with Alarm

The hardware requirements of the project will be
·         Power Supply
·         8051 series Microcontroller
·         Relay Driver IC
·          Relays
·         Lamp
·         Push Buttons
·         Transformer
·         Diodes
·         Voltage Regulator
·         Crystal
·          LEDS
·         Capacitors
·         Resistors
·         MAX232
·         Relay
·         Buzzer

The software requirements of the project will be
§  Keil compiler
§  Languages: Embedded C or Assembly
§  DUMPING SOFT WARE: Using Micro controller flash Software we are dumping our HEX Code into Micro Controller 

  • User friendly
  • Cost effective
  • Used in institutes
  • In colleges
  •  In universities
  • In industries
  • In public garden